Our Blog

July 18, 2024
A Guide to Pensions & Retirement Benefits

How much do you really know about retirement benefits? If you’re like most Americans, it’s not that much. In fact, most of us have fairly poor “retirement literacy,” especially when it comes to the finer points of retirement benefits.1 That may not seem like a big deal, but it can give rise to all sorts […]

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June 3, 2024
Longevity in Retirement & What You Should Know

How many years will your retirement last? What are the chances you’ll live past 90? Most of us answer those questions wrong because we don’t have strong longevity literacy.1 That means that about 81% of us1 aren’t working with a viable understanding of our own life expectancy. Let’s explore how understanding longevity could create a positive […]

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May 20, 2024
Mastering Stormy Waters: Smart Strategies for Healthcare Costs in Retirement

Mastering Stormy Waters: Smart Strategies for Healthcare Costs in Retirement Dreaming of your retirement often brings images of sandy beaches, extra time with family, or perhaps finally writing that novel. But beyond the peaceful horizon of your post-work years, the dark clouds of healthcare and long-term care costs are gathering. It’s crucial to map out […]

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April 18, 2024
5 Signs You’re Headed for a “Cushy” Retirement

How much do you need to retire wealthy? Believe it or not, there’s no set number for anyone. Lifestyle and the quality of your retirement plan are certainly two big factors. But when considering the economy and inflation, a definitive picture of our financial future can feel somewhat elusive. So, to shed a little light […]

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April 2, 2024
4 Financial Mistakes to Avoid this Spring

Spring isn’t just about budding plants, changing the clocks, or paying your tax bill. It can be the perfect time to refresh financial tasks and dust off your long-term goals. As we begin a new season of financial “spring cleaning,” here are 4 (commonly made) mistakes you can prevent this year: Mistake #1: Budgeting for […]

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March 19, 2024
Retirement nearing? Do these 5 things first.

What’s your ideal retirement? Traveling? Practicing your favorite hobbies? Caring for loved ones? Whatever you envision, creating a plan of action can feel exhausting. There are, however, a few simple, yet commonly overlooked steps you can take today to help you feel more comfortable throughout your planning process.  5 Tasks that Could Help You Find Retirement Bliss […]

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January 11, 2024
Investors & the Markets: What to Watch Out for in an Election Year

Smart investing doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Current events matter, and this year, the 2024 Presidential Elections are taking center stage. That’s rattling a lot of us, causing more election stress than ever before.1 It’s also raising a lot of questions about investing in election years, how to respond to market uncertainty, and what money […]

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September 24, 2023
Don’t Let These Costly Retirement Mistakes Drain Your Nest Egg

Don’t Let These Costly Retirement Mistakes Drain Your Nest Egg Retirement can feel like a finish line after decades of working — but you may not be able to cross that finish line or really enjoy the retirement you had imagined if you get tripped up along the way.  In fact, the retirement of your dreams could disappear before […]

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September 5, 2023
Should You Retire at the Same Time As Your Spouse?

If you and your spouse are making plans to retire, you’re probably wondering whether it’s a good idea to retire at the same time. Many couples go through the same thought process and, in fact, one in four couples quit their jobs within a year of each other. But retirement is a decision that should be carefully […]

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September 2, 2023
The Risk of Reverse Dollar-Cost Averaging for Retirees

After a lifetime of working, retirement is a time that we should be able to relax and enjoy ourselves. Unfortunately, retirement is stressful for many people simply because of the financial implications of living on a limited budget and keeping a close eye on dwindling savings. One common mistake that many retirees make is reverse […]

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August 29, 2023
Retirement Calculator: Are You On Track to Reach Your Goals?

Thinking about retirement can be overwhelming, especially when considering what life may be like living on a fixed income. One of the best ways to improve your financial health in retirement is to start planning early. Here are some things to consider when planning for retirement and how to stay on track with your goals […]

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August 28, 2023
Living the Dream: How to Plan for Your Ideal Retirement

What would you do with your time if you weren’t working 40 hours every week? Everyone has a different idea of what they want retirement to look like, whether it involves traveling the world or staying comfortable at home. The most important thing about retirement is that you have the time, money, and space to do […]

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