Our Blog

May 2, 2023
The New Normal Retirement

It’s believed that retirement planning as we currently know it didn’t really exist until a few decades ago. Up to that point, people worked until 65 and then sailed into retirement on a pension plan. Over the next few decades, as life expectancy and years in retirement expanded, financial professionals came up with simple guidelines […]

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April 29, 2023
Talking to your Aging Parents about Finances

For many families, finances are rarely discussed in detail, even as children mature into adulthood. But as your parents age, especially if they live into their 80s and 90s, there's a chance that they may lose their cognitive function and be less capable of managing various tasks. This can be upsetting for some parents and […]

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April 27, 2023
Should You Prioritize Retirement Savings over College Savings?

As a young parent looking to the future, you may be faced with a daunting choice: do you save earnestly to secure your retirement, or save to fund your children’s education? It’s possible to do both, but with the cost of college education and retirement rising faster than the rate of inflation, targeting just one of […]

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April 20, 2023
Preparing for Lifetime Income in Retirement

There was a time when old retirement planning models like “the 70 percent rule” were more common. This rule stated that a retiree only needed 70% of their pre-retirement income to live comfortably in retirement. These “rules” may have worked for some retirees several decades ago but can be dangerously flawed in today’s new normal […]

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April 5, 2023
Retirement Plan FAQs

We get a lot of questions about investments, especially retirement plans. While everyone has different needs and goals, here are a few common questions we receive, and some basics to consider.When should I start investing?Every person is different, but the general guideline is to start when you have the means to do so. Some people […]

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March 30, 2023
Retiring Abroad

If you dream of living abroad, retirement may be the best time. Over half a million Americans living outside the US receive some Social Security, and that number is expected to grow. Many retirees cite cost of living as their reason for moving, while others say health care costs contribute to their move away from […]

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March 29, 2023
Debt and Retirement: Can You Handle Both?

Saving enough for retirement while carrying and paying off debts can be an uphill battle. For some pre-retirees, debt repayment is the primary focus over savings, leading them to delay or reduce their retirement lifestyle. But if you’ve been struggling to save, It’s never too late (or early) to take steps to encourage you to […]

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March 25, 2023
It's Never Too Late to Save for Retirement

Retirement can sneak up on you.While it seemed like a lifetime away at one point, it now may feel like retirement is just around the corner. Maybe at one point, you wanted to work forever, but now you’re ready to walk out of your workplace for good. Or maybe you’ve started daydreaming about a little […]

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March 22, 2023
Financial FAQs

Understanding how your savings can work for you is an important part of creating your financial future. If you’re curious about personal finance and want to learn more, here are some common questions we hear from new clients.I just started my first job. Do I need to start saving for retirement now?While retirement may seem […]

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February 3, 2023
Retirement Income Planning Requires Realistic Spending Assumptions

If you have read any literature on retirement planning or have received advice from a financial professional, chances are you were presented with the 70% rule, the one that suggests that retirees will need between 70 and 80% of their pre-retirement income in order to maintain their standard of living. There are several flaws with […]

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